Our thanks to everyone for their support! The property in McGrath has been acquired and we are in the process of making the McGrath Small Business Center open and available to the public. The Computer Lab will move there shortly and we will be supporting the Hospitality Network which will be a source of donations for our organization and the goals listed below. Classes for weaving and a clay studio  will be available as soon as possible. Remember, our facilities are family-friendly and supportive. Come visit -ask questions - donate your time and expertise! We'd like to hear your ideas!                                          

 100 6th Street, McGrath - The corner just before the old school/community center site


                                 5 Women, 5 Dreams, 5 Dollars, One Goal                                                                      Your donation of $5.00 will help make community dreams become reality                                                     ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                          For a tax exempt receipt for your donation, send your $5.00 to:                                                                                                                                1)  Depot Studios/5 Women Fund, PO Box 741, Isle, MN  56342                                                                                                                        or..  2)  Through the donate buttons provided on this page through Pay Pal.                                                                                                                               Thank you for putting wings to our nonprofit dreams!                                                           __________________________________________________________________________________________________

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